& Smiles

Creative planning and professional design of play and recreation compounds for infants, children and teenagers begins with the combination of a unique and inviting look and practical design. For both the users and the operators, alongside a variety of activities and points of interest: Physicality, technology and development.

Our team consists of designers, content experts and a technological team, and they are attentive and committed to your needs, have a vast experience and commitment to create the magic and set up your dream compound for you. 

A specialization of many years in setting up child and youth clubs for the hotel industry and setting up play areas for infants for private entrepreneurs allows us to lead you along a clear and optimized planning process with close accompaniment throughout your entire project.

Children’s clubs or arcades – varied and challenging activity and interest points adapted to various ages, stages of development and modulation which allow for continuous and varying interest over time.

Clubs for teenagers and adolescents – a perfect solution for any resort. A combination of interactive elements, video games, physical games and spots for social meet ups.